I was amazed to see how long it has been since our last post! We have completed our largest meat cycle ever and are collecting names for this fall's meat cycle. Placement on the list becomes important when we have more orders than meat. We were unable to fill about 6 orders last fall.
I just returned from Siberia and couldn't resist sharing a picture of the meat department in the outdoor market in Yakutsk- the coldest city in the world. In the foreground you see quarters of beef from Brazil. That meat was cheaper than the local reindeer. It was even competitive with the frozen fish that you see standing up in the background. If you look closely you will see that the local sparrows liked to warm their feet on the Brazilian carcasses.
The news at Wolverine Farm is that we continue to invest in upgrades to our meat processing. We bought three certified scales and will have Phillips Scales installing them later this spring. We are converting to a printer/scale that will print an individual label for each vacuum package complete with net weight and carcass number. This will facilitate tracking the meat and accuracy.
Our slaughter schedule is set for this fall and looks like we will be filling orders from the first of October through the middle of November.