Thursday, November 26, 2009

End of the Season

This Friday and Saturday we will process the last of the meat for this year. There are a few orders at the bottom of the list that it looks like will not be filled. Those will go to the top of the list for next year.

The other ray of hope is that we will be preg testing the heifers next week and if any are open we will have one more round of butchering that will be processed around the middle of December.

In the chicken division I thought you might want to see how 150 eggs a day are laid in a mere 20 nests. As you can see, it is with a lot of sharing. Also seen is how water delivery looks when the temperatures are below zero.

These eggs are available under the Tranquility Heights Farm label at the Matanuska Creamery in the Valley and at the Natural Pantry in Anchorage.

Have a happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family.I like your title pic.

  2. Charmine told me about your blog. We have a hobby farm in Ohio.

    Our hens have favorite nests! A few nests go unused while they line up for the one they want. It's not unusual to see more than one hen in a nest at the same time!

    I imagine you must have to have some pretty hardy breeds to survive your winters. What temperature do you keep your hen house that there is so much ice on the waterer?

    I'm going to show Hubby your blog. It might just get him interested enough to start his own!
